
Years of experience and a wealth of knowledge and expert legal advice

Aerial shot of boat at sea

Much of the advice we provide is in connection with charterparties and related agreements.

Most of this concerns disputes under charterparties, COAs, slot charters and vessel sharing agreements including off-hire, laytime and demurrage, withdrawal and termination, re-delivery issues, speed and performance claims, unsafe port claims indemnity claims for damage to ship or cargo and Inter-Club Agreement issues.

We can also offer advice and assistance in drafting a specialist charterparty or a specific clause for inclusion in a charterparty and have previously advised on a wide range of charterparties from bareboat (both operating and finance), voyage, time and tanker charterparties to contracts of affreightment, slot charters and related agreements such as pooling agreements and consortium agreements.

For advice or assistance please contact any of the directors who will ensure that your query is dealt with by the most suitable person.

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